Looking forward to the outcome of the evaluation of our COST Action proposal “Next Generation Nights in Europe”

Next Generations Nights in Europe is a COST Action proposal coordinated by Jordi Nofre (NOVA University of Lisbon, Portugal). The Action aims to examine how our European nightlife industry should be in the future, and, crucially, how it can contribute to promoting and achieving the goals defined by the recently-launched The New European Bauhaus Initiative .In this sense, the Action’s objectives are (i) Advancing the theoretical and conceptual framework of nightlife studies; (ii) Collaborative design of innovative methodologies and new analytical tools; and (iii) Raising awareness and dissemination of more inclusive, egalitarian, resilient, and sustainable nightlife. By mobilizing so-called Quadruple Helix Stakeholder Engagement Strategy, Next Generation Nights in Europe will bring together nightlife industry stakeholders, local communities, cultural associations, and academic researchers to generate (i) top-quality research outputs of high impact; (ii) valuable stakeholders-oriented outputs; (iii) innovative policy-oriented knowledge; and (iv) community agency actions towards the promotion of more inclusive, egalitarian, resilient, sustainable, and competitive nightlife industry in Europe. At scientific level, the Action will develop a new research agenda in the emerging interdisciplinary subfield of ‘Nightlife Studies’. At industry level, the Action intends to strengthen the capacity of the nightlife industry to align with the goals defined by the recently-launched The New Bauhaus Initiative, and to enhance and foster new technical skills to design and implement successful resilience strategies. Finally, at policy and community levels, the Action will provide crucial insights to making the nightlife industry more competitive and a privileged place of creativity and social innovation.

Hope we will soon have further news on the final evaluation of the proposal!!


OpenEdition suggests that you cite this post as follows:
jordinofre (February 26, 2023). Looking forward to the outcome of the evaluation of our COST Action proposal “Next Generation Nights in Europe” LXNIGHTS. Retrieved October 5, 2024 from https://doi.org/10.58079/r3vf

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