Regulating Nightlife. The case of Tours (France)

After our first Meeting “Encontros LXNIGHTS” the past May 27 is now time to pay attention to other similar initiatives devoted to bring together the different actors involved in the production of urban nightscapes. Joséphine Kalache analyse the recent proliferation of the “conseils de la nuit” (night councils) that are selectively regulating nightlife activities all over the French municipalities.

The author, taking the case study of Tours (France) warns on the dangers of “reducing culture to the Event” and suggest that the eviction of amateur musicians and heterogeneous public from the city nightscapes could be favouring the commercialization of nightime.

The text -in French- is entitled “Vers une politique municipale de la nuit: le ‘consensus nocturne’ arrive à Tours” (Towards a municipal nightlife policy: the ‘nightime consensus’ is coming to Tours) and could be a valuable forethought for the next “Encontros LXNIGHTS” that will be announced soon…

OpenEdition suggests that you cite this post as follows:
Daniel Malet Calvo (June 3, 2015). Regulating Nightlife. The case of Tours (France). LXNIGHTS. Retrieved December 5, 2024 from

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About Daniel Malet Calvo

I have a PhD in Urban Anthropology (2011) from University of Barcelona where I also have graduated with a BA in Social and Cultural Anthropology (2005), and a BA in History (2011). My thesis work puts forward a historical and ethnographic research focused on the most emblematic space in Lisbon's downtown: Praça do Rossio. I have been trained through many investigation projects, research grants and ethnographic works on Lisbon and Barcelona during my thesis, mainly focused on anthropology of urban space, city policies, collective action and olisipography. I'm also did research on Santiago island (Cape Verde archipelago), where I acquired experience on mobility conceptions, risk practices and urban renewal projects. Currently, as a post-doctoral researcher in the CIES-IUL (Centro de Investigação e Estudos de Sociologia – Instituto Universitário de Lisboa) I'm investigating ERASMUS students as a short-term migration actors involved on heritagization processes, space production and transnational dynamics. Besides this, I'm an active member of the Grup de Recerca sobre Exclusió i Control Socials (GRECS) in the Anthropology Department of the Universitat de Barcelona, and of the Institut Català d'Antropologia (ICA)

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