LXNIGHTS in the 3rd Meeting of European Nights (Lyon, France)

The next 1, 2 and 3 of February 2018 the 3rd Meeting of European Nights / Les Recontres Européenes de la Nuit will be celebrated in Lyon, centered into the subject: “Nights from the Future / les Nuits du Futur”.

European Nights it is a platform of information and exchange regarding the Night in Europe. A way to share practices, regulations and aspirations from each territory in order to come up with a holistic and concrete vision of European nights, and from it, deduce considerations about nightlife that are worth exploring.

These meetings bring together researchers, elected representatives, night professionals, art personalities and companies from Berlin, Milan, Lisbon, Madrid, Barcelona, Brussels, Rotterdam or Paris, to name a few cities.

LXNIGHTS will be present in the event to enlarge our network and to gather new strategies of nightlife governance.