New Article on Urban Research & Practice

Some LXNIGHTSers have participated in an article about Cais do Sodré district (Lisbon) published this month on the journal Urban Research & Practice, entitled: “The ‘Pink Street’ in Cais do Sodré: urban change and liminal governance in a nightlife district of Lisbon“. Here you can find the abstract:

Resultado de imagem para "urban research & practice"The former harbour quarter of Cais do Sodré in central Lisbon has been recently transformed into the most crowded nightlife spot in the city, causing some negative social and spatial impacts such as the worsening of community liveability during night-time hours. In addition, the inefficacy of the latest community intervention project conducted in the area (SAFE!N) has been largely due to the liminal governance of the urban night applied in the area. In the final remarks, some actions are suggested to foster long-term sustainable coexistence between the right to the city and the right to leisure in the area.


Meeting for the Night at University of Lisbon (March 16th)

This Friday, March 16th the “Jornada para a Noite” (Meeting for the Night) will be celebrated at the FLUL – Faculdade de Letras, University of Lisbon (sala 5.2.). The meeting is organized by Jordi Nofre (CICS.NOVA/FCSH) and Rosa Fina (CLEPUL/FLUL) and many LXNIGHTSers will be there presenting their own works on Lisbon, Nighttime and urban change.

Here and below (click to enlarge) you can read the definitive program.



10h Sessão de abertura e apresentação da Jornada

Rosa Fina (CLEPUL) e Jordi Nofre (CICS.Nova)

10h30 Raul Cerveira Lima (ESS|PPorto e CITEUC)

Poluição luminosa: a luz irrompe onde já nenhum sol brilha

10h50 Teresa Alves (CEG/IGOT-UL)

Geografias da noite

11h30 Paula Guerra (ISP/FLUP) e Ana Oliveira (DINAMIA’CET-IUL)

Uma Cidade entre Sonhos de Néon. Encontros, transações
e fruições com a noite e com as culturas musicais urbanas 

11h50 Otávio Raposo (ISCTE)

Sociabilidade, aprendizagem e trocas geracionais: um olhar
sobre a noite cabo-verdiana na “Cova da Música”

12h10 Daniel Alves (IHC-FCSH/UNL)

“Lojas com velas” e petróleo na noite lisboeta: resistência
à modernidade na greve dos lojistas de Lisboa de 1891

14h30 Daniel Zapico (México, Tecnológico de Monterrey/ Campus Puebla) e Lillian Briseño (México, Tecnológico de Monterrey/ Campus Santa Fe) Apresentação do livro:

La invención de lo nocturno. Una historia social y cultural
de la noche en el mundo Iberoamericano (siglos XVIII-XX) 

15h Hilson Cunha Filho (CICS.Nova)

A Saúde Pública no Contexto Urbano da Noite: questões emergentes

15h30 João Martins (CICS.Nova)

Cais do Sodré XXI: da crise urbana à cidade turistificada

16h30  Joana Lima (CLEPUL)

Al Berto, transumante noturno

Ricardo Belo Morais (Casa Fernando Pessoa)

“Antiquíssima e Idêntica”: a Noite no processo criativo
de Fernando Pessoa

Ezequiel Borgognoni (Uni. de Buenos Aires/CONICET)

La colonización de la noche en la España medieval:
alcances y limitaciones

Manuel Garcia-Ruiz (CIES-IUL)

Festivals of Light, leisure alternatives for nightlife

18h30 Performance artístico-literária em torno da noite
19h Encerramento

The city: images and imaginaries (Madrid)

The next week (12-15 March 2018) LXNIGHTS will be present in the International and Multidisciplinary Symposium “The city: images and imaginaries”, celebrated in the University Carlos III (Madrid).  Jorge Sequera (New University of Lisbon, LXNIGHTS) will present its work in a  communication entitled: “Alternatives to touristification in urban markets”, Tuesday 13th March from 10:00 in a panel about Madrid (Spain). You can see here the program of the event.

The International Conference: The City: Images and Imaginaries, will be celebrated in School of Humanities, Communication and Library Science, University Carlos III De Madrid (Getafe), on March 12th -15th, 2018. During the conference the following public activities will take place:

The conference opening keynote session, on Monday, March 12th: “Tramas Urbanas y Movilidad” [The Urban Plots and Movility] by Josefina Gómez Mendoza, Emeritus professor of Unversity Autónoma de Madrid and Doctor Honoris Causa by University Carlos III de Madrid and by the l’École Normale Superieur de Lyon.

On Tuesday, March 13th an institutional ceremony will be celebrated in recognition of the outstanding professional and artistic trajectory (and their close links to the city) of the painter Antonio Lopéz and the architect Rafael Moneo.

In March 14th the filmmaker Joaquín Oristrell and Professor Miguel de Moragas will debate in a roundtable discussion about Madrid and Barcelona depictions.

Professor Nancy Berthier (Université Paris-Sorbonne) will be the final keynote speaker at the Conference on March 15th.

During the Conference, the participants can attend some parallel activities such as the photography exposition of Marivi Ibarrola’s works, the sound installation “Sounds of the City” and a continuous screening about the city in film.

On La Latina Neighbourhood (Madrid)

As many central urban neighborhoods, La Latina (Madrid) has suffered during the last two decades an accelerated process of transformation, focused in nighttime tertiary activities. Begoña Aramayona has studied this process in short article in the anarchist journal Todo por Hacer: “Nightlife commercialization in the city of Madrid: the paradoxes of La Latina Neighbourhood“.

For two years (2014-2016) Begoña has been exploring the neighborhood and shooting an ethnographic documentary entitled: “Próxima estación: La Latina”, that you can see here:

Documental “Próxima estación: La Latina” from Imaginario Social on Vimeo.

“Próxima estación: La Latina” es un corto documental que explora los procesos de turistificación a través de la vida nocturna en el barrio de La Latina, en el distrito centro de Madrid. A través de las miradas de diversos habitantes del lugar (vecinas, vecinos y ex-vecinas; trabajadores de una carbonería y de un Mercado de Abastos en decadencia; visitantes nocturnos ocasionales o asiduos), así como voces respetadas en el ámbito de los estudios urbanos, como Michael Janoshka (Contested Cities) y Jorge Sequera (Oficina de Urbanismo Social), exploramos los distintos vértices alrededor de los cambios que están ocurriendo en el barrio. El documental fue rodado durante más de 2 años (2014-2016) y forma parte de un proceso de exploración etnográfica, que prefiere ofrecer más preguntas que respuestas: ¿Qué está ocurriendo en el centro de Madrid? ¿Quién es turista y quién habitante? ¿Hay portadores legítimos de la identidad de un barrio? ¿Qué es el desplazamiento y cómo se puede visualizar?

Dirección, Guión y Fotografía: Begoña Aramayona
Montaje y Postproducción visual: María Ceinos
Postproducción de sonido y etalonaje: Nacho Zayas
Diseño gráfico: Julia Gil

Música: “Alegría” (Manos de Topo), “Macarena” (Espaldamaceta)

Personas entrevistadas:

María Jiménez (vecina)
Peter Galkin (vecino)
Lucas Esteve (vecino)
César Fraile (vecino)
Michael Janoschka (Contested Cities)
Jorge Sequera (Oficina de Urbanismo Social)
José (Bicicleta luminosa)
Arturo y Carboneros
María (frutería Mercado de la Cebada)

New article on Bairro Alto’s Urban Consumption

Our collegue Emanuel-Cristian Adorean, from the Faculty of Geography of the Babeş-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca (Romania) has published an article in the journal Territorial Identity and Development, co-authored with Oana-Ramona Ilovan and Viorel Gligor about nightlife and urban consumption in the Bairro Alto (Lisbon) based on a research developed during 2017.

Her you can read the article

ABSTRACT: The urban nightlife consumption is an important anthropogenic phenomenon that should be taken into consideration within the urban and spatial planning context, especially because its effects influence territorial evolution, as well as the population’s lifestyle and well-being level. The aim of the present investigation was the assessment and the radiography of the nocturnal urban life of Bairro Alto neighbourhood, in Lisbon. For this purpose, we combined a series of research methods, such as the literature review, the semi-structured interview, the participatory observation, the photographic collection, the cartographic method, the analysis, and the synthesis. Findings showed users´ profiles and highlighted their visions and preferences regarding the usage and functionality of Bairro Alto, yet revealing that night-time activities play a crucial role for territorial identity consolidation within the urban space, by fostering the social and economic dynamism of the city.